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네이버전문자료 검색결과 (454,706건) NAVER OpenAPI
BAR Domains as Sensors of Membrane Curvature: The Amphiphysin BAR Structure
The BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain is the most conserved feature in amphiphysins from yeast to human and is also found in endophilin
SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating the standard molal thermodynamic properties of mine
Recent advances in theoretical geochemistry permit calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of a wide variety of min
American Bar Foundation Research Journal
Brazos river bar: A study in the significance of grain size parameters
Brazos River bar [Texas]; a study in the significance of grain size parameters Standard deviation, Sorting (sediment), Skewness, Sedi
Nanoparticle-Based Bio-Bar Codes for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Proteins
An ultrasensitive method for detecting protein analytes has been developed. The system relies on magnetic microparticle probes with an
American Bar Association Journal
Dynamic rock tests using split Hopkinson (Kolsky) bar system – A review
Dynamic properties of rocks are important in a variety of rock mechanics and rock engineering problems. Due to the transient nature of
Targeted Disruption of the Nuclear Receptor FXR/BAR Impairs Bile Acid and Lipid Homeostasis
Mice lacking the nuclear bile acid receptor FXR/BAR developed normally and were outwardly identical to wild-type littermates. FXR/BAR
When Physics Takes Over: BAR Proteins and Membrane Curvature
Cell membranes become highly curved during membrane trafficking, cytokinesis, infection, immune response, or cell motion. Bin/amphiphy
Beyond bar and line graphs: time for a new data presentation paradigm.
Figures in scientific publications are critically important because they often show the data supporting key findings. Our systematic r
Stir-bar sorptive extraction: A view on method optimisation, novel applications, limitations and
Abstract Introduced in 1999 as a novel solventless sample preparation method, stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) has become a po
STRUCTURE PLOT: a program for drawing elegant STRUCTURE bar plots in user friendly interface.
BACKGROUND Understanding structure of the population is one of the major objective of many genetic studies. The program STRUCTURE is c
The Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence (ESI).
The present manuscript is an empirically based theoretical paper that presents, describes, and examines the Bar-On Model of Emotional-
Stir bar sorptive extraction for trace analysis
Abstract Stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) was introduced in 1999 as a solventless sample preparation method for the extraction
An improved model calculating CO 2 solubility in pure water and aqueous NaCl solutions from 273
Abstract A thermodynamic model for the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in pure water and in aqueous NaCl solutions for
The Canadian Bar Review
Stellar bars are important internal drivers of secular evolution in disk galaxies. Using a sample of nearby spiral galaxies with weak
SBAR improves nurse–physician communication and reduces unexpected death: A pre and post inter
AbstractBackgroundThe Joint Commission International Patient Safety Goal 2 states that effective communication between health care wor
B - > Dl nu form factors at nonzero recoil and vertical bar V-cb vertical bar from 2+1-flavor la
Vertical bar, Recoil, Physics, Particle physics, Lattice QCD, Flavor, Unitarity, Standard Model, Quantum chromodynamics, Meson, Hadr
Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar
This paper places the key issues and implications of the new ‘introductory’ book on spatial econometrics by James LeSage & Kelley
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